Saturday, December 6, 2008

Why Do People Like Clubbing?

So the thought that occurred to me today was "why do people enjoy or want to go clubbing?" I mean, what do you do at clubs? So you dance, you drink, and you interact with random strangers that you most likely will never meet again. So unless you are like a uber pro street dancer and like to show off your leet dance moves... What do you go to clubs to achieve? What do you gain from going to clubs? Are you there thinking that you will somehow meet the guy/girl of your dreams and just somehow meet up like some kind of fairytale? Are you there just to get wasted? Are you there just to check out some "hot" guys/girls? Or are you there to just flirt around with randoms? Is it a combination of the above or ALL of the above? Well, logically, there is no real overall gain in doing any of the above, and there is no way in the world that fairytale relationships can possibly come out of clubbing. Sorry to burst the bubble, but love at first sight is a load of crap and does not happen. Do you enter a relationship with the intention of it being temporary? For the general, sane, population I would think the general consensus would be no. (I guess some really insecure people who think that having a relationship is the only thing that matters even if they don't like it, but as a public image, must have one anyways). So if you go to a club to look for a relationship, what are the underlying desires that trigger you or "magnetise" you to a particular person? Their looks of course. But since when has the look of a person ever defined them as who they really are, you know nothing about them, and you don't know what they are like apart from the particular mood that person might be in at that particular moment, in that particular environment at that particular stage in their life. So what makes you think that if you get into a relationship with this person that you think is the hottest person this side of the milky way, that they truly are who you think they are? With utmost certainty, that relationship will fail, and you will be shattered and depressed by it, and by nobody else's fault will it be that it failed apart from the fact that it was a stupid place to look for a relationship to start with.

As I said above, the people that go to clubs do not have any great intentions in mind. The guys that are there, if they are single (and most likely so), what kind of things do you think are going through their mind? Being at a co-ed school and being the giant sponge of a human that I am, I soaked in the rumours and gossip by merely passive unintentional eavesdropping. Just the "rowdier" boys and the kinds of things that they say and talk about was enough to disgust me. All they cared or wanted from a girl was pretty much in one word, sex. (It's the way of the modern world if you haven't already figured it out for yourself). Now you go to a club, and you have hundreds of these like-minded people, I'm REAL sure your gonna find that brilliant, fantastic, flawless, guy of your dreams that has real dedication and commitment to you and truly loves you for who you are... Not... lol... You are pretty much dooming yourself to a failure of a relationship before you even start. I guess this is why there are so many darn divorces these days, people just don't use their brains to think things out and to delve into the culture and the minds of others to understand the motives of people and their desires.

Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that people who go to clubs, will be flirting away at each other, and "checking" each other out. Some looking for one night stands (mainly guys? I dunno about the girls on this one, but I guess if your a slutty one then sure you'd think like this too), others (pitifully) looking for relationships. So, you supposedly indulge in this "eye candy" stuff. But... how great do you feel after the night is other? When your in that taxi heading home, half drunk, how do you feel? At the time you feel, high? I guess, but... long after, you don't feel happy or any happier. If your taken, then I'm sure you would feel guilty, since you know how weak you are... How easily shaken your supposed dedication and commitment to whomever you are with is... How pathetically weak your mind is... If your single, well maybe you might feel a bit guilty, and at the same time depressed. Clouded by your lust, you WISH you had her/him. You waste your time speculating as to what kind of person they are. You hunger for some kind of affection/love that comes from a relationship. And also you realise just how desperate you have become for it. Sounds kinda pathetic doesn't it? Well, that's because it IS pathetic.

Well, if you go to clubs to drink, to get drunk in other words. Then why do you need to get drunk? Does it make you happier? Do you think it will somehow solve your problems? Do you think that being drunk will make you more appealing in anyway? Do you think you are even likable drunk? Sure, since you forget everything when you are absolutely smashed, it's like a temporary distraction from whatever is going on in your life. But do you think that it will somehow make bad things go away? No. Rather than drinking away your wealth (probably hundreds upon hundreds of dollars) and your health and your livelihood (drunkenness causes much domestic distress), shouldn't you find better ways to deal with problems, finding a better source of strength and dependence? (I sure wouldn't depend on alcohol to solve my problems and I definitely wouldn't use alcohol as the strength upon which my life stands, I'm sure a lot of people so though). Besides, being drunk and disorderly, changes you. You are not who you really are, you get angry easier, you lose your judgment, you lose your intelligence and whatever brainpower you have. When you are drunk, you do really, really stupid crap, a lot of which are unsafe or dangerous. Like I said before, about the intentions and the sleeping around stuff? Well, even if you wouldn't do it while you were sober, if you are drunk, you are capable of doing all sort of stuff. It's what a lot of people go to these places to do... Get drunk and get laid. Sad truth.

So what is a GOOD reason to go clubbing? I (in my biased christian perspective, though my christian perspective is biased in a good way) can see none. There is no JOY in clubbing. If coming out your none the happier, then why did you go in the first place? Sometimes some things just seemed like a good idea at the time to do, but you have done it you think "Oh my god, what have I just done?". You feel guilty, you know you have done something wrong, something you shouldn't be doing. And the intentions and thoughts that people carry into clubs are sinful, and dirty. They are stained black with lustfulness and sexually immoral ideas. But, for most people, they don't know any other way apart from this. They are but slaves to the devil. Sure they think they are enjoying themselves, but are they really? Do they feel content? To enter repeating cycles of doomed relationships, to be drunk and disorderly, to feel like a desperate animal during mating season with nothing but sex in mind, would you really be content? Do you feel loved or wanted for who you really are? Would you want to live like this every week or to some, every day? Well, I'm sure my answer would be a big NO! You might think it's an over-exaggeration... But, look around you, you see so many broken relationships, one after another, you see families being torn apart by substance and alcohol abuse, you see people's ruining their lives with this kind of lifestyle. This is the worldview, this is our secular society.

I remember my maths teacher, Mrs. Taylor, telling us these great words of wisdom. "You do NOT fall in love, you GROW into it, the ONLY thing you FALL into are potholes." So if your looking for something that would even remotely last, I'm certain clubbing definitely ain't the place to look. Of course there are much more that I could blog about on this topic... But I think I'll spare us from a massive unending stream of text... at least for now anyways... (As you can probably tell, this blog isn't really here to make friends haha... I like a bit of controversy... Gets people thinking I guess...)


  1. So true :) But clubbing isn't just about relationships... its more self indulgence and really temporary things that make you go on a short term high... and the temptation to do something stupid goes up exponentially! I haven't gone clubbing and I highly doubt I ever will...

  2. hmmm. very interesting vincent. however, as someone who has in fact been clubbing and experieinced a lot of situations that i have been extremely drunk in, i would just like to say that sex has not once been considered. you need to be a little bit more open-minded about this topic. were not bad people just because we like to go out and spend our hard earned money on a night that allows you to relax with friends, catch-up with old ones, dance and sometimes get drunk. some people just go looking for trouble. i for one don't. i stick with my friends and enjoy the company, not the lure of 'hot' boys.

    haha really enjoying this discussion =]

  3. I spent high school days around lots of guys that did indeed think the way i have described... the ones that would, as a group, even at school just be talking about "hot" girls pretty much every time they got together... they would see or talk about someone and the lines "I'd tap that" would definitely pop up... all the time... maybe the people I hung out with were exceptions... but I am sure ALOT of guys do think like that, and going clubbing merely exercises that part of there minds as an ulterior motive even if they are their to hang out with friends.

    To my dear friend anonymous here, I safely assume you are a girl judging my your comment. While you may not think like that, does not mean all the guys in the club don't. While you may not be one of those people, alot of people are like that. Now I'm not saying clubbers are all bad people, but I'm just saying that, alot of people do go to clubs to indulge those thoughts, either proactively or subconsciously. I just knew alot of people who indulge those kinds of thoughts proactively, and amongst the guys in particular it appeared to be a common chain of thought.

  4. so are you suggesting that by going clubbing as a girl i am telling guys that i am easy? that because i have put myself in this position i deserve to have drunk guys harrasing me? im confused now. is it guys who are more likely to go to clubs with the idea of finding one night stands and girls are merely there to meet their needs. or is it girls too who use clubs as a place to 'pick-up'?

  5. It doesn't matter what you are there for, maybe you are there just to have fun, hang out with friends and have a few drinks. It's not whether you deserve to be harrassed by drunk guys or not lol... I'm sure not every guy in a club is out to find a one night stand. Some guys also would be out to just chill out and have a few drinks with friends. You do not need to be out searching for one night stands to indulge in so-called "eye candy". Both guys and girls do that. By visiting a club you by no means make a statement that you are "easy" as you say. But what you are doing is placing yourself in wide public view, in a forum in which people, both guys and girls, entertain their thoughts by "checking" other people out. I'm not saying guys use clubs to 'pick up' free whores.

    The difference (and the part that is confusing you) is that it is not whether you act out your thoughts or not. It's whether you THINK those thoughts to start with. And in a club, even IF you aren't think those thoughts, that drunk guy harrassing you sure is. And you in a big room full of them. Sure some people do indeed act out their thoughts and desires, ie. why you get drink spiking and rape and the like that you hear on the news. It's relatively rare and I am definitely not implying that that is what happens on a daily basis at the particular clubs that you go to but they do happen. And what you see on the news is the "involunatry" stuff. But what you don't see is all the "voluntary" stuff.

    Your presence within the premise of a club does not make you "easy". It is what you say, do and how you respond to other people that indicate what type of person you are. Similarly I am not an axe murder simply because I own an axe, whether I am an axe murder depends on how I use my axe in relation to the flesh and blood of other people.

    The point of the arguement was why would you go to a club to surround yourself with people of that kind of mindset and thoughts, if you are not one of those kind of people. And if you are one of those kind of people, are you actually happy living as that kind of person? I guess for you, anonymous, would be the former, judging from what you have said.
