Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weird Dream II : Talking Mice...

You know you have strange dreams when you start dreaming about pet mice that talk and cause trouble all over the place... lol... why (or perhaps how is more appropriate) a mouse would be on roller blades and tripping people over in public places is beyond me lol... I tend to have crazy dreams... Before I woke up from the weird dream I was saving the mouse from playing with a mousetrap... by sticking my hand in the mousetrap instead... lol and normally you wake up from your dreams just before your about to have a painful experience right? or maybe just me... but strangely enough it felt pretty convincing in my dream for some strange reason and I didn't wake up from it, then I snapped out of it and realised that I was late for Uni haha...

Altho it isn't nearly as strange as my gokart driving, skateboarding, and lightsaber 2v2 duel against sith drug dealers in a state school with Obi Wan Kenobi on my side... now that was a WEIRD dream lol...