Friday, June 26, 2009

People Dying.

So I heard from someone and from facebook that 3 people in Hollywood died today. People make such a big deal over it, "O I'm so sad, MJ is dead... The prince of pop is dead" or whatever. But really, is it really that much of a deal? When I heard it I just went "meh..."... Because I mean, people are dying every minute anyways so is it really anything out of the ordinary that some famous guy dies as well? Famous people are just as weak as us non-famous people, we are all gonna die anyways. Sure if your a personal friend of someone who dies then mourn. If your wife died then yeah, mourn because a part of you died with them. But I mean, tomorrow could be your last day, and while your reading this, some homeless guy just died somewhere out there. Do we feel sad or affected? Perhaps I'm just a cold-blooded, heartless person, but one of my grandfathers died when I was a kid, one of my aunties died when I was in grade like... 6 or 7? and one of my grandmother's died last year. I never shed a tear or felt sad, I mean everyone's loved ones will die eventually, so is it so special that one of my own family members died? Perhaps I see the bigger scheme of things beyond the immediate impact the death has to myself, I dunno. Or perhaps I'm just special, and couldn't care less... But I don't think that's the case. Perhaps I am just desensitised somehow...

But yeah... I dunno... I guess its because it was a natural death... all of my extended family died of natural deaths... stroke, breast cancer, lung failure. But perhaps I would be more affected if they weren't natural, but probably more so if it was because I couldn't stop the unnatural cause, ie. died from getting mugged. But yeah... anyways... That's what I had to say for today.

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