Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The New Beginning... of my second attempt to maintain a blog...

Well... Last time I tried to blog was using that space live thingy... but that was pretty crap and I didn't get past 3 posts... so I guess we'll see if I can do better this time ay? haha... I also wonder if people actually read these things... But since I am the king of procrastination and unproductivity, I guess I have nothing to lose here haha... I always wonder how other people can think of so much... stuff... to blog about... it probably takes practise to think of something... and vegetate on it for a few hours and then suddenly think... "I reckon I should blog this!"... cos I don't think that thought occurs to me that often lol... so this thing will potentially be forgotten about pretty soon ay :P but I guess if you have a diehard readership following you then your probably more likely to have more incentive to blog... ah well, I guess this could be an experiment to see if blogging helps to channel ideas... and give me an outlet to all those hours I spend on vegetative thoughts on practically every matter under the heavens and above... its not uncommon for me to spend like... 3 hours just sitting there starring at the ceilling thinking about the most random things like... how to make jetpacks... and how to make a stormtrooper suit out of coke cans... and other weird and wonderful things...

well... now that I think about what I just wrote... blogging might not be as hard as it initally felt... Maybe my vegetative tendencies give me a natural advantage :P haha...

anyways... its 1:20am and I should probably hit the bed... otherwise I'll end up hitting the floor and sleep there for like 3 hours before realising that I'm not actually on my bed...