Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You know you are a swimming instructor when...

You know you are a swimming instructor when:
  • Your skin smells like chlorine constantly
  • Your tears smell like pool water
  • You constantly have spare towels in your car
  • You have 3 pairs of goggles in your swimming bag
  • You have 2 pairs of togs in case you lose a pair somehow
  • The boot of your car smells like pool water
  • When you remember the names of every single student of the approximately 75 students you have
  • When you walk past a pool and can see inside and you see crappy swimming you have the urge to correct them. And last but definitely not least;
  • When you freeze to death for 8 hours in a giant puddle through the cold wind and rain survivng on a hot chocolate, a muffin and 2 nutella sandwiches.
  • *EDIT* (I forgot the most important one.. silly me...) When you gain superhuman homeostatic abilities... ie working 6 hours without going to the toilet
  • *EDIT2* (thanks for reminding me!) When your skin becomes so bloated and wrinked that the crevices and ravines in the skin begin to quite literally crack open.
All in a day's work... Chlorine makes you sleepy and tired...


  1. Haha, I hate that pungent smell of my skin after I go for a swim. Oh, and you forgot one important one from the list: raisin skin!

  2. haha what of not going to the toilet? YOU would have pee'd ur pants by then haha :P lol tho it was pretty funny... i was gonna see if i could last until i got home which would have been like... 8.5 hours... but then i thought id better not :P
