Monday, December 1, 2008

Remembering Instructions...

I understand why my parents would sometimes get angry at me, sometimes I intentionally postpone and procrastinate from doing what they want me to do, like doing chores and stuff. Sometimes I unintentionally forget about things, which sometimes has resulted in me double or even triple booking a specific time frame because I have forgotten my previous commitment... (which shows how things I find highly important can override the memories of the less important things to me that I am still obliged to do.)... Sometimes I remember parts of the instructions and forget the other parts... Which is what has just occurred to me... Tonight my mum is away at a competition and won't come back home till 8 or 9 or something... And she said that dinner will be steak, and told me to prepare in advance so that when she gets home, she can cook quickly... She told me to cut up some stuff as well as prepare to steam vegetables... Well... I only remember that I need to cut onions... but I don't remember how many... I know I need to steam cauliflower for 4 minutes... and I assume that she meant use the whole thing... But yeah... When she comes home, mum will be frustrated again lol... Ah well can't help it... I've cut the onions... now I should probably go and cut up the florets of cauliflower... I think that's what they call em...

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