Saturday, November 8, 2008


Ahhh... the sudden rain was so awesome ay... I was helping mum with the gardening when it started to rain and I ended up spending about half an hour just standing in the rain just for fun lol. I haven't been drenched in the rain since I graduated last year so it was a refreshing experience :P

Rain is such a unique phenomenom, without it humans could hardly survive as well as all these emotions that we have attached to rain and storms... like... "it was a dark and stormy night..." lol... evil stuff... dark stuff... supernatural stuff... as well as romantic stuff I guess or unromantic stuff... typical romance movie scenes... meh... o and traditional war stuff... it always rained during the WWs... cos of so much gunpowder in the atmosphere



  1. Rain from gunpowder... that's new.

  2. to be precise, the water is more attracted to other materials than itself, that is why u have the water surface that goes up the sides of a test tube. i forgot the chemical term for it... and so the large amount of airbourne particles during world war style combat, causes water to form droplets much quicker in clouds and fall down much more prematurely... try adding water to LOTS of dust and u might understand y

  3. Haven't stood in the rain for a long time...would be nice to do that one day again haha :D

    Wish it wouldn't be so humid though!
