Thursday, November 13, 2008

Throwing Cards

Those who know me well would know that I am an avid ninja fan :P and have ceaseless bitter arguments with pirate supporters for some reason they have pirates vs ninjas thing going and believe (misguidedly) that they are superior. However that's beside the point :P I could blog endlessly just on that topic alone haha... In any case, I am a pretty darn good card thrower, and last night I was throwing cards around my room, which resulted in 3 cards being stuck in the blinds that cover my windows... they are stuck cos they are paper cards and they hit with enough force for the blinds to cut into the card and hold them there haha... good plastic cards could actually start doing some real damage to plasterboard walls if u throw them hard enough... and for the absolute freaks out there that manage to get their hands on metal cards? they could probably kill someone with them... and have them stuck in like bricks and stuff lol...

in any case here is some proof :P


  1. Weird weird pastime.
    But anyway, how funny you really did break that plastic card just by throwing it on the wall (several months ago).

  2. lol...u freak of a ninja :P
